Thank you.
Kevin McGinnis, President & CEO
I've had the good fortune of witnessing Eric coach dozens of startup founders in Kansas City over the years. Teaching them the finer points of structure and delivery is great, but watching him transform their pitches using their authentic voice while capturing their 'why' is his calling card. And, it's the reason I now refer to Eric as Kansas City's Startup Whisperer."
Marc Hahn DO, FAOCA, President & CEO
“For more than a decade, KCU’s leadership has collaborated with Eric for effective marketing and public relations counsel. Additionally, his executive team coaching, planning guidance, and objective approach have helped us achieve our strategic and tactical goals.”
Dennis Ridenour, President & CEO
“Eric's creative, personal and pragmatic approach enhances our event and marketing messaging. His 'Eric-isms' radiate through our organization as an important and influential extension of our small, but powerful team at BioNexus KC.”
Leanne Breiby, Vice President of Communications
“Eric has provided tremendous guidance to my organization and me, personally, for nearly a decade. He’s the first person I call when we’re facing new communications challenges (both internal and external), and many members of the team have benefitted from his presentation and sales coaching, media training, and executive counsel.”
Tim Cowden, CEO
“Eric has served as an essential and effective extension of our in-house team for more than 25 years. From messaging strategy to speaker coaching and change communications, Eric ensures we always maximize the impact of KCADC, KC Heartland, KC Global Design, Team KC, Smartport, and all of KC.”
Bill Berkley, CEO & President
“Eric helps us to better understand our customers, which allows us to align our strengths with our customers’ needs. He also provides exceptional strategic guidance on a variety of civic and business initiatives.”
Lia McIntosh, MBA, MDiv Director of KC Rising, The Civic Council
“Eric, we appreciate your role as an expert advisor for KC Rising. Your skill in posing insightful inquiries and offering strategic recommendations greatly enhances our ability to communicate the KC Rising story and vision. In particular, the coaching you provide for presentations undoubtedly elevates our effectiveness. Thank you for your impactful contributions to both KC and the KC Rising initiative.”
Brandy Archie, OTD, OTR/L, CLIPP
“Eric has this well-honed ability to hear what you are saying and repeat it back to you, but in a much more concise, clear, and impactful way. His skill in communication is readily evident and amazing. This was super helpful for me as a newly minted founder finding my voice so I can clearly articulate my business in quick in-person interactions, accelerator interviews, and pitch competitions. Eric's work has definitely accelerated our business' trajectory.”
Erik Bergrud, Senior VP, Public Policy
“I can't say enough about Eric. 'Clarify. Connect. Change.' is more than a slogan. He delivers tangible results. The lessons we learn from our collaborations will serve us for years to come.”
Joel Goldberg, Keynote Speaker
“What an excellent experience working with Eric. There are so many ways Eric helps clients. For me it was being able to tap into his creative brain to put the finishing touch on a big keynote speech. Eric has a unique ability to dig deeper, see and hear things in a different way. I liked my content and message going into our sessions and walked out with an even greater and more polished product. In baseball terms, I took a lead into the 9th inning and brought on my closer, Eric Morgenstern, to seal the win. Thanks for the help!”
Melanie Mattes, SVP Marketing
“Eric has given The KC Chamber the straight truth about our communications for more than 25 years. He is clear, he is consistent, he is honest and trusted, and his voice and experience have been powerful for our community. I personally look forward to every project we work on together.”
Eileen Weir, Former Mayor
“When the City announced its strategic plan, getting a clear, concise, believable message to the community was key. Eric helped us focus our delivery of the plan, establish the 'Independence for All' brand, and coach me in preparing and presenting the State of the City address. His expertise on this and many other issues has been incredibly instructional in moving us from planning to execution and adoption of the plan by the entire community.”
Triumfia Houmbie Fulks, Founder
Throughout the Pure Pitch Rally and beyond, Eric created directions to help me dissect and craft my pitch to perfection. He provided me with ways to effectively position my pitch to ensure the information was clearly received by my audience. Eric is an amazing community leader and an impressive master speaker. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to be coached by Eric and eagerly look forward to working with him again.